Eastern Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly (Papilio glaucus)

Yellow and Black Striped Male Butterfly
Copyright: Zina Flippen
The Eastern Tiger Swallowtail (aka Tiger Swallowtail) is a unique species of swallowtail. It is a quick and strong flier, gliding when able. The male butterflies have bright yellow with black stripes wings, while the females can exhibit two different color forms; yellow and black or black and blue.
The female Eastern Tiger Swallowtail’s darker form is more common in the southern states. The caterpillar is just as remarkable; it resembles a small snake with eyespots. This butterfly enjoys pink, purple, and red flowers and is a magnificent visitor to any garden.
Watch the Caterpillar’s Long Journey to Pupate
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail Photos, Facts, And Information

Yellow-Green Round Butterfly Egg
Copyright: Fred Miller

Caterpillar False Eyes
Copyright: Fred Miller

Caterpillar Pupating
Copyright: Fred Miller

Green Caterpillar
Copyright: Fred Miller

Caterpillar Pupation
Copyright: Fred Miller

Brown Chrysalis
Copyright: Fred Miller

Eastern Tiger Swallowtail Feeding on Zinnia
Copyright: Sheila Mallya

Female Feeding on Bee Balm
Copyright: Bud Hensley

Black and Blue Wings Female Butterfly
Copyright: Big Stock Photo

Male Butterfly Puddling
Copyright: Fred Miller

Yellow and Blue Female Butterfly
Copyright: Bud Hensley

Female Resting on Leaves
Copyright: Fred Miller

Yellow and Black Male Butterfly Feeding on Mexican Sunflower
Copyright: Bud Hensley
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail Host and Nectar Plants
Host Plants for the Eastern Tiger Swallowtail: (What is this?)
Nectar Plants for the Eastern Tiger Swallowtail: (What is this?)
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail Facts And Information
Butterfly Family: Swallowtails & Parnassians (Papilionidae)
Butterfly Subfamily: Swallowtail (Papilioninae)
Butterfly Wingspan: 3 in. to 6 in.
Butterfly Habitat: Fields, parks, suburbs
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail Flight Range Map
Note: Map represents approximate butterfly flight range.