Willow (Salix)

Willow - Excellent Host Tree
Copyright: Big Stock Photo
These awesome trees are fast-growing and will tolerate many soil types. They come in a variety of sizes and shapes. Most Willows do well in full sun and moist environments. These trees are an important host plant to butterflies and are an impressive addition to your landscaping.
Where to Buy Willow Plants:
Willow is a Host Plant for:
Viceroy, Lorquin Admiral, Eastern Tiger Swallowtail, Mourning Cloak, Red-spotted Purple, Western Tiger Swallowtail, Dreamy Duskywing, and moreWillow Specifications:
Color(s): Colorful winter shoots
Sun Exposure: Sun
Soil: Tolerates any type
Average Height: 15 ft. to 70 ft.
Average Spread: 12 ft. to 70 ft.
USDA Plant Hardiness Zone: 3 to 10
Note: Regular watering