Lorquin Admiral Butterfly (Limenitis lorquini)

The Lorquin Admiral has large vivid, warm colored wings. A deep, majestic brown makes up the base of the wings, with unmistakable fiery orange tips. Much like a big toothy grin, a steady line of small white rectangles bridges the topsides of both wings.
Like other Admirals, the size of this butterfly sets it apart. Females are larger than their male counterparts. The undersides of the Loquin Admiral’s wings are a reddish brown, also with patterns of regularly spaced white spots. Easily recognized and much adored, this butterfly is popular among knowledgeable butterfly watches and newcomers alike. With an incredible mixture of strength and beauty, the Lorquin Admiral is a fantastic and well-loved butterfly.

Lorquin Admiral Host and Nectar Plants
Lorquin Admiral Facts And Information
Lorquin Admiral Flight Range Map