Crossline Skipper Butterfly (Polites origenes)

Dark Brown Skipper Feeding on Coneflower
Copyright: Fred Miller
These delightful little skippers are quick low-fliers that spend much of their time near the ground. They nectar mostly on purple, white, and pink flowers and are usually seen in drier habitats.
The males can be seen puddling near small wet patches, sipping nutrients from the ground. In the afternoons, the Crossline Skippers can be found courting and looking for mates.
These fine skippers are a wonderful visitor to have to any garden or landscaping.
Crossline Skipper Host and Nectar Plants
Host Plants for the Crossline Skipper: (What is this?)
Nectar Plants for the Crossline Skipper: (What is this?)
Little Bluestem Grass, and more
Crossline Skipper Facts And Information
Butterfly Family: Skippers (Hesperiidae)
Butterfly Subfamily: Grass Skipper (Hesperiinae)
Butterfly Wingspan: 1 in. to 1 1/2 in.
Butterfly Habitat: Grassy areas, meadows, gardens
Similar To: Tawny-edge Skipper
Crossline Skipper Flight Range Map
Note: Map represents approximate butterfly flight range.