Crown Vetch (Coronilla varia )

Crown Vetch
Copyright: Kip Miller
Crown vetch is used primarily for ground cover and erosion control. It spreads rapidly in sunny areas and can be seen most often along roadsides and open fields.
Crown Vetch can survive in a variety of environmental conditions including drought and rocky dry area, but is not tolerant of shade.
It may be planted in gardens as an ornamental, but caution should be taken since it is considered an invasive plant in many parts of North America.
The Crown Vetch has a long creeping stem and pea-like flowers ranging in color from pink, rose or lilac. Its blooming season is May through August with seeds maturing in September.
Crown Vetch is a Host Plant for:
Wild Indigo Duskywing, Orange Sulphur, Gray Hairstreak, Eastern Tailed-Blue, Crossline Skipper, and moreCrown Vetch is a Nectar Plant for:
Baltimore Checkerspot, Clouded Sulphur, Southern Cloudywing, Delaware Skipper, and moreCrown Vetch Specifications:
Color(s): White, pink, purple flowers
Sun Exposure: Full sun, partial shade
Soil: Fertile loamy, and moist soil
Average Height: 18 in. to 24 in.
Average Spread: Ground cover
USDA Plant Hardiness Zone: 4 to 9
Note: Primary used for erosion control, can be invasive