Eastern Tailed-Blue Butterfly (Everes comyntas)

Male Eastern Tailed-Blue
Copyright: Bud Hensley
This butterfly is sponsored to Celebrate the Life of Rouba (Dubai, United Arab Emirates)
These small adorable butterflies are lovely to watch visiting flowers or moist areas. The males are a cobalt blue while the females are a more slate gray. They can be seen flying low to the ground or basking in the sun with their wings slightly open.
Unlike other butterflies, the females will lay her eggs on the host plants flower buds and the caterpillars will feed on them, along with the flowers and seeds. This dainty little butterfly is a delightful guest to welcome in your garden.

Female - Grey and Orange Dots
Copyright: Fred Miller

Female - Grey with Black and Orange Markings
Copyright: Fred Miller

Blue Butterfly with Brown Edges
Copyright: Diane P. Brooks

Tiny Grey Butterfly
Copyright: Diane P. Brooks
Eastern Tailed-Blue Host and Nectar Plants
Host Plants for the Eastern Tailed-Blue: (What is this?)
Nectar Plants for the Eastern Tailed-Blue: (What is this?)
Eastern Tailed-Blue Facts And Information
Butterfly Family: Gossamer-wings (Lycaenidae)
Butterfly Subfamily: Blue (Polyommatinae)
Butterfly Wingspan: 3/4 in. to 1 in.
Butterfly Habitat: Meadows, grassy areas, pastures
Similar To: Koa / Hawaiian Blue, Summer Azure
Eastern Tailed-Blue Flight Range Map
Note: Map represents approximate butterfly flight range.