Milk Vetch (Astragalus spp.)

Copyright: Fred Miller
This group of perennial plants is very diverse. They have spike-like clusters of flowers that are very pea-like. The foliage is made up of compound leaves that are a beautiful deep green color. They are separated from the sweet peas by the hair on the seed pods and stems. Some Milk Vetches are toxic to livestock while some species of Astragalus, such as cicer are used in pastures for grazing and may be grown for hay. Canada Milk Vetch is native to North America and would be wonderful planted in abundance in gardens or fields.
Milk Vetch is a Host Plant for:
Checkered White, Southern Cloudywing, Orange Sulphur, Eastern Tailed-Blue, and moreMilk Vetch Specifications:
Color(s): White, purple, blue, yellow
Sun Exposure: Sun, partial shade
Soil: Tolerates drought, well-drained
Average Height: Trailing Vine
Average Spread: 3 ft. to 10 ft.
USDA Plant Hardiness Zone: 2 to 9
Note: Can be toxic for livestock