Red Clover (Trifolium pratens)

Red Clover
Copyright: Diane P. Brooks
A patch of Red Clover in your garden will add a stunning field of bright blooms to your yard. Individually, the flower appears as a full round bloom made of long, thin flower petals. In a grouping, the green leaves of this perennial herb wonderfully accent the colorful dark pink flower. It will grow quickly in the spring and the blooms will bring butterflies to your garden. Bursting with charm and color, the Red Clover is an excellent addition to any butterfly garden.
Red Clover is a Host Plant for:
Sleepy Orange, and moreRed Clover is a Nectar Plant for:
Sachem, Wild Indigo Duskywing, Cabbage White, Painted Lady, Common Checkered-Skipper, Tawny-edge Skipper, Pecks Skipper, Northern Broken Dash, and moreRed Clover Specifications:
Color(s): Dark pink flowers
Sun Exposure: Full Sun
Soil: Wet to dry
Average Height: 8 in. to 20 in.
Average Spread: 4 in. to 8 in.
USDA Plant Hardiness Zone: 5 to 9