You’ll see butterflies resting or drinking nectar from a flower with their wings closed or folded above their backs occasionally opening their wings. This is a great opportunity to get a closer look so you can identify the white butterfly you are looking at.
Common White Butterflies
The Cabbage White butterfly is one of the most common white butterflies in North America. It belongs to the Pieridae Family along with the Sulphur butterflies. The Cabbage White’s closest look-alike is the Checkered White. They both have white wings with black dots. Look closely for additional similarities (and differences) in the photos below.

White Butterfly (Closed Wings) Photo Comparisons, Species, and Facts
To identify and learn the characteristics of white butterflies, select one of the photos below. Additional butterfly, egg, caterpillar, and chrysalis images will be provided. Along with their flight range map and a list of plants for the female to lay her eggs and caterpillars to eat.