White Morpho Butterfly (Morpho polyphemus)

Angelic and graceful, the White Morpho butterfly is distinctive and regal. The wings of this butterfly are rather large and stately, particularly when this beauty flies on the breeze from flower to flower. A stark, bright, clean white, these wings look amazingly pure and even slightly translucent.
Small round brown eyelets and specks decorate the wings on both sides. The coloring is so light; you can easily see the veins and spines running inside the wings, giving them their structure and shape. There is no question that you will easily identify this butterfly. Like drifting snowflakes in the sky, the peaceful and natural flight of the White Morpho conveys beauty and calm.
It is rare, but has been seen in Arizona.
White Morpho Photos, Facts, And Information

White Morpho Host and Nectar Plants
White Morpho Facts And Information
White Morpho Flight Range Map