Black butterflies with wings spread open are typically several colors with different markings and their wings vary in size and shape. With black being the prominent color of its wings, butterfly colors include black and blue, black and yellow, and black and orange.

What is a Rare Black Butterfly?
In our collection, the all black butterfly is the female Pipevine Swallowtail.

The familiar Monarch displays patterns of black and orange colors, a warning to predators that it is toxic to them. Whereas, the Red-Spotted Purple is purplish-black with red-orange spots.
ID Guide: Black Butterfly (Open Wings) Side-by-Side Photo Comparison
Use the side-by-side comparison of the photos below to identify 12 butterflies with black wings. Click on the image to see additional photos along with pictures of their eggs, caterpillars, chrysalis, and flight range map.
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