Prickly Ash (Zanthoxylum americanum)

Giant Swallowtail Caterpillar on the Leaf
Copyright: Fred Miller
These interesting deciduous trees can grow between 15 to 30 feet tall and have thorny branches and stems. They like full sun and do quite well planted along forest edges, fencing, or waterways. They are related to the Citrus family of trees and their leaves have a lemon scent when crushed. The Giant Swallowtail relies on the Prickly Ash for food for their caterpillars; they love the fresh green foliage. To support wildlife, this is a wonderful tree to include in a naturalistic wildlife garden.
Prickly Ash Specifications:
Color(s): green foliage
Sun Exposure: Full Sun
Soil: Regular watering
Average Height: 15 ft. to 30 ft.
USDA Plant Hardiness Zone: 3 to 7

Leaves of Tree
Copyright: Fred Miller