Butterflies are one of the most beautiful insects to grace the world. They are colorful and airy, and enjoy feasting on the vibrant flowers in your garden. These creatures hold powerful symbolism, such as hope, inspiration, beauty, innocence, and freedom.
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These symbols often stem from how butterflies impacted cultures throughout history and how humans have benefited from having them in their life. If a butterfly could speak, you might be surprised at the drops of wisdom they would share.
What if You Asked a Butterfly…
What is My Purpose in Life?
A butterfly would tell you that your purpose is to enjoy the beauty of life. There is magic all around you – the sky, the sun, the grass, the birds, the wind, and the trees. Everything has its purpose, and your purpose is to enjoy every moment. Sure, there are challenging, painful, and dark times, but these times are much like being a chrysalis. They teach you how to withstand life’s challenges and surrender to life.
Afterward, you come out with a fresh perspective and a newfound appreciation for life. A butterfly would urge you to spend time not worrying about your “purpose” and instead practice living in the present moment. When you are present and fully aware, you can see the world precisely as it is and realize that just being alive is the greatest gift you can receive.
Why is Happiness Like a Butterfly?
A butterfly would tell you that happiness is not something you can find; it’s something that is. Happiness comes from the ability to look at life neutrally and not attach yourself to the past, the future, or the painful experiences you have been through.
Most butterflies only live for a few weeks and have mastered the ability to live presently. A butterfly’s happiness comes from not holding on to anything too tightly and not taking life too seriously. When you can remove the seriousness from your life, you release yourself from what no longer serves you.
A butterfly would also tell you that searching for something will never lead you to it. Instead, welcome happiness by creating a space for it in your life.
A butterfly would ask you if you were happy, how would your life be any different? How would you be living differently? What relationships would you have in life? Reflect on your answers and begin to implement them in your daily life. As you make these changes, you’re creating space and opening up a doorway that leads to true happiness.
Butterfly, How Can I Love Myself?
A butterfly would tell you of a time when they didn’t feel love for themselves. They could not fly and feast on the beautiful flowers in their caterpillar stage. They felt stuck, heavy, and unable to exist in their proper form.
Instead of giving up, they created a chrysalis for themself where they spent time in the presence of their entire being. Throughout the chrysalis stage, they accessed their light and dark aspects and began to transform down to a cellular level.
These changes awakened them to their true form, a vibrant butterfly. The time a butterfly spends transitioning between a caterpillar and a butterfly is when they’re most vulnerable and honest with themselves. They’ve stripped away all protection and left with the essence of who they are.
When asking how to love yourself, a butterfly would tell you to go inward and explore the totality of who you are. There’s more than just your unworthiness, pain, or suffering. Deep inside of you, there is beauty, light, laughter, joy, rejuvenation, success, worth, and peace; you have to find it for yourself.
How Does a Butterfly Represent Faith?
It’s common to find a butterfly or two flapping around your flower bed, feasting on the flowers in your garden. This magical insect encourages you to sprout your wings and soar to the heights of your life. Butterflies naturally know where to find nectar.
They have the ability to find food and resources because they allow themselves to be guided by their faith. If you were to ask a butterfly how to find faith, it would tell you to believe anything is possible for you as long as you set your mind to it. There’s nothing you can’t achieve as long as you have faith and believe in yourself. A butterfly’s innocence teaches you how to remain hopeful, optimistic, and faithful in challenging times, helping you make it out on the other side.
A butterfly would ask you where you’ve lost faith in your life. Is it faith in yourself? Faith in a relationship? Faith in your career? What caused you to lose this faith? Instead of sulking in failure, fears, or worry, a butterfly guides you back into the sunlight to help shine a light on all of the wonders still in your life. Let go of anything that says you’re not worthy or that you’re not capable. Everything you need to succeed is already inside of you; you just have to have faith.
How Can Butterfly Help Me Find Peace?
A butterfly would ask you what in your life doesn’t feel peaceful. Is it your love life, your job, or your family? Why does this area(s) of your life not feel relaxed?
Butterflies are found in the daylight, carrying the sunlight with them. They are a symbol of shining light over your life and can help you find areas blocking you from finding peace.
When the butterfly speaks to you, it tells you to let go of any ill feelings or beliefs surrounding these experiences, as these empower them in your daily life. If you’re looking for peace, imagine you were a butterfly. You would only have a few weeks to live. How would you spend these previous days?
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