Pearly Everlasting (Anaphalis margaritaces )

Pearly Everlasting
Copyright: Diane P. Brooks
This graceful wildflower is a member of the daisy family. Pearly Everlasting attracts Painted Lady butterflies.
When the flowers of the Pearly Everlasting are past their prime, they can be dried and added to any dry winter bouquet. This flower has clean white petals surrounding a yellowish brown center. It is easy to care for and a great part of any garden.
Where to Buy Pearly Everlasting:
Where to Buy Pearly Everlasting Seeds:
Pearly Everlasting is a Host Plant for:
American Lady, and morePearly Everlasting Specifications:
Color(s): White flowers
Sun Exposure: Sun, partial shade
Soil: Moist to dry, well-drained
Average Height: 1 ft. to 3 ft.
Average Spread: 1 ft. to 2 ft.
USDA Plant Hardiness Zone: 3 to 8