Joe-Pye weed (Eupatorium purpureum)

Having weed in its name does not do the Joe-Pye plant justice. Perhaps the best terms to define this plant would be wildflower, ornamental, herb, and butterfly plant. Joe- Pye Weed grows best in full to part sun location with fertile and moist soil. It needs adequate space and when several plants are grown together, it adds spectacular color to the surrounding landscape.
The many varieties of Joe-Pye have substantial height differences. The tallest reaches a height of ten feet and the dwarf variety (Gateway) grows to about four feet. To keep the plant contained neatly in a garden, it is recommended to stake the Joe-Pye Weed early and pinch them back to keep them a little shorter and bushier.
The Joe-Pye Weed flowers, which bloom from mid-summer until a hard frost, also differ in color, offering large showy shades of purple, pink, or white cluster-like flower heads. The purple hues of flowers are the most attractive varieties for butterflies. This flowering plant and its vanilla-like fragrant foliage make the Joe-Pye Weed lovely for gardens, landscapes, and cut flowers.