Flowering Ash (Fraxinus Ornus)

Flowering Ash
Copyright: Fred Miller
The Flowering Ash (aka Manna Ash), a medium sized deciduous tree, is noted for its springtime showy, fragrant and creamy white flowers and its brilliant yellow autumn foliage.
Although the Flowering Ash prefers full sun and rich well-drained soil, it tolerates poor soil condition. This is an ideal tree to add to difficult growing sites, as it easily transplants and establishes itself, especially on sloped areas.
Some drawbacks of the ash are its susceptibility to ash bores and the female plants produce numerous seeds which may lead to unwanted seedlings.
Flowering Ash Specifications:
Color(s): White flowers, yellow foliage
Sun Exposure: Full Sun
Soil: Well drained
Average Height: 50 ft.
Average Spread: 50 ft.
USDA Plant Hardiness Zone: 3 to 11
Note: Susceptible to Ash bore