Aspen Tree (Populus spp.)

Aspen Tree
Copyright: Fred Miller
These deciduous trees are tall and fast-growing. In North America, they are the most widely dispersed tree. They are great in rural areas because they have large root systems. They have triangular-shaped leaves that provide beautiful colors in the fall. The bark is creamy white to a light olive-gray color. They are a lovely addition to any large open area.
Aspen Tree is a Host Plant for:
Viceroy, Mourning Cloak, Red-spotted Purple, Western Tiger Swallowtail, Dreamy Duskywing, and moreAspen Tree Specifications:
Color(s): Turns yellow in fall
Sun Exposure: Full Sun
Soil: Moist, well-drained
Average Height: 70 ft.
Average Spread: 15 ft.
USDA Plant Hardiness Zone: 4 to 9