The side views of many black butterflies can have similar black patterns, including stripes and other markings. This can make it a challenge to identify some black butterflies accurately.
For instance, the side views of the Black Swallowtail and the Spicebush Swallowtail look very similar. However, a closer look shows that the Black Swallowtail wings have a series of blue spots while the Spicebush does not. Look for additional similarities (and differences) in the photos below.
Common Black Butterflies
The Black Swallowtail is one of the popular butterflies in North America. You can identify this butterfly by the yellow, orange, and blue markings on its wings. If you are lucky, you will see the female butterfly lay eggs on its host plants including fennel (pictured below), parsley, dill, or another plant from the carrot family.

Black Butterfly (Closed Wings) Photo Comparisons, Species, and Facts
To get you on your way to identifying black butterflies, select one of the images below. You will see additional photos of the butterfly, eggs, caterpillars, chrysalis, flight range map, and the plants needed to lay their eggs.