Julia Heliconian Butterfly (Dryas iulia)

This graceful orange southern butterfly has long narrow wings outlined in a thin black line. While females usually have more black on their wings, the males are often a brighter orange. The Julia is a swift flier that enjoys tropical woodlands. The female can be observed laying her eggs in a shady location on Passiflora vines.
An interesting trait common to the longwinged butterflies is their specialized proboscis that allows them to feed on pollen. They are able to get amino acids from the pollen that they cannot get from nectar. This unique diet allows them to live longer than many other butterflies. Enjoy the arrival of this beautiful creature to your garden; they may be there a while!
Julia Heliconian Photos, Facts, And Information

Julia Heliconian Host and Nectar Plants
Julia Heliconian Facts And Information
Julia Heliconian Flight Range Map