American Snout Butterfly (Libytheana carinenta)

Dull Brown Butterfly with Beak-like Snout
Copyright: Regina Cutter Edwards
This unique-looking butterfly is an unforgettable beauty. It has elongated mouthparts that give the appearance of a long snout. The only snout species in North America.
The America Snout has been known to migrate northwards from Texas when the southern populations become overcrowded. Sometimes these migrations can appear to be dark clouds in the sky. This is a lovely butterfly to welcome into your gardens and enjoy around your home.

Brown and Orange Butterfly with White Spots Feeding on Buttonbush Flower
Copyright: Fred Miller

Light Brown Butterfly with White Spots and Long Snout
Copyright: Diane P. Brooks
American Snout Host and Nectar Plants
Host Plants for the American Snout: (What is this?)
Nectar Plants for the American Snout: (What is this?)
American Snout Facts And Information
Butterfly Family: Brush-footed Butterflies (Nymphalidae)
Butterfly Subfamily: Snout (Libytheinae)
Butterfly Wingspan: 1 3/8 in. to 2 in.
Butterfly Habitat: Wooded areas, fields, moist areas
American Snout Flight Range Map
Note: Map represents approximate butterfly flight range.