When sadness weighs heavy, Marion finds solace on her porch, speaking her mother’s name. This is her personal ritual, a way to connect with her mother’s spirit and find healing in the midst of loss.
(Submitted by Marion in Colorado)
My mother passed on January 11, 2014. Every time I talk about her or mention her name, a beautiful yellow butterfly circles around my porch.

I feel as though my mother is trying to let me know that she is doing well! I miss her so much, so when I am feeling depressed or sad I sit on my porch and speak her name and the pretty yellow butterfly appears!
This is a story of resilience, of finding light in the darkness, and of learning to dance with loss. It’s a story that, I hope, will resonate with anyone who has ever loved and lost, anyone who has ever wondered if there is more beyond the veil. So, come, sit with me on my porch, let the wind carry your whispers, and see if perhaps, a butterfly, a messenger of love, might grace you with its presence too.