Sometimes, the most extraordinary moments arrive in the simplest forms. A fluttering white butterfly, appearing impossibly early in the season, became a messenger of love and reassurance for Sue who is missing her mother. Was it a coincidence, or a sign from beyond? This is the story of a garden, a mother’s promise, and a butterfly that defied the odds.
(Submitted by Sue)
My favorite gardening buddy, my mom, passed in the winter months several years ago. The first spring after she passed, I was in my garden preparing a special place dedicated to my mom’s love of gardening with a special large rock and some of her favorite plants taken from her garden.

I felt her presence quite strongly that afternoon with wonderful thoughts and memories of our special times gardening together. I was really having a difficult time, missing her so badly.
My attention was drawn to something that fluttered by my head. “What the heck was that”, I thought. I looked up, and a white butterfly flew in a circle above me. I moved to another part of my garden, one of MY favorite spots and the butterfly followed me and again circled above me.
I sat down and cried, knowing that she promised me she would always watch over me. As I reached up to touch the butterfly, it flew over me again and then away. I knew this was my mom’s way of showing me she IS watching over me and to be at peace with her passing.
Later that day, I called our local nursery to ask about the presence of butterflies so early in the season. I was told that it was far too early for butterflies. The kind lady told me, “this was your gift from someone special.”
Each year I look forward to my visit from my special butterfly.