(Submitted by John)
My family’s story starts right after my wife’s death in August 2019. Every time we go to the cemetery. I take my wife flowers. A butterfly that comes around sometimes. Sometimes more than one. They fly by and will stop on the flowers. My granddaughter says it’s grandma making sure the flowers were ok.

At home we had been given some plants and flowers from friends and family. My granddaughter and I were out front talking about the beautiful plants they had given us. Well here comes a small yellow butterfly. Flies right to all the new plants and flowers. Flies right by my granddaughter. It never goes to the old plants, just the new ones then flies off. Both myself and my granddaughter were in total shock.
The very next day my daughter and I were out back sitting down. Just as my granddaughter came outside here comes another small yellow butterfly. Flies around us then flies off.
I have never seen butterflies do the things that these were doing. It makes you pause and really think about life and death. We still will say it’s just grandma checking on us.