(Submitted by Sheryl)
Hi, I have collected Monarch eggs and caterpillars for years. I enjoy studying them watching them grow and turn into beautiful butterflies. I have kept records for most of them in notebooks. I have met a few interesting people who do the same thing.

Buy on Amazon: How to Raise Monarch Butterflies, A Step-by-Step Guide for Kids by Carol Pasternak
Butterflies have so many interesting features, for instance the scales on their wings – everything so delicate.
I now have my grandchildren helping me collect them. The kids love to watch butterflies being released.
Our world would be a less colorful place without them. I hope that my grandchildren will continue what I have shown them and pass it on to their children.

Watching [butterflies] is a little like life itself. All of us go through transition. I hope everyone gets a chance to experience at least once what my grandchildren and I have.
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