(Submitted by Natasha in New Zealand)
My partner took his own life 6 months ago, as soon as I got home from discovering his death a male Monarch butterfly flew in to my house and into the lounge at 11:30 p.m. it never left and died a few days later on the window sill. I still have him with me today. What does this mean? Every where I have read says nothing about Monarchs at night time. Can anyone enlighten me to the meaning of this?

Hello Natasha,
First of all, let me offer my condolences for the recent passing of your partner. I want you to know that I am not a licensed therapist but will attempt to provide some meaning to the reason a Monarch butterfly visited you at 11:30 p.m. following the passing of your partner. My input will be based on my personal knowledge, experience, and some research I have done.
I enjoy interpreting friends’ dreams on a casual basis because dreams present information with symbols. Some symbols that appear in our dreams are archetypal symbols which means they can have a universal meaning. Some symbols are much more personal and require the person’s feedback to understand the significance the symbols hold for that particular person. Symbols can appear in our waking experiences as well such as yours. Whether it be a dream or a waking experience, an individual’s own insight, intuition and inner knowledge is the determining factor as to the significance of the experience. In other words, how does it feel inside? What is it saying to me?
Monarch Universal Symbols
Butterflies and the Monarch butterfly in particular hold some universal symbolic meaning. Butterflies are universal symbols of transformation, change, freedom, spiritualism, comfort, and hope. They go through a four-stage complete metamorphosis – from egg to caterpillar to chrysalis to butterfly – a major transformation. This transformation is what makes the butterfly a profound symbol of life after death – a very hopeful symbol.
Read more: Butterfly Dreams and Symbols
Some cultures believe a deceased loved one can embody a butterfly as a way to visit and reassure the living they are not gone but simply changed. And many cultures believe the Monarch butterfly is the ultimate symbol of this spiritual transformation and connection. For you to see a Monarch at night and inside your house is very unusual, and therefore very significant. Perhaps you were receiving the reassurance you needed at that time from your partner.
The Monarch is probably the most majestic of all butterflies. It’s flight is both graceful and strong. A Monarch is capable of traveling thousands of miles for days to its overwintering home, somehow knowing the way on its epic journey. For this reason the Monarch has come to represent the guidance available to us from within when we truly listen with grace and humility. Perhaps you were receiving the spiritual direction and guidance you needed at that time as well.
Read more: Transformation Of The Butterfly: Death, Resurrection & Reincarnation
If none of this resonates with you at this time, that’s okay. It may take time to completely understand what you’ve experienced and why. What I’ve presented here may end up not helping at all. The most important thing is that you are open to any other messages or symbols you may receive to help guide you through life.
I wish you the best,
Fred Miller
Gardens With Wings