Zela Metalmark Butterfly (Emesis zela)

Zela Metalmark
Copyright: Regina Cutter Edwards
You’re invited to support this precious butterfly. Sponsorship is $10
This unique and beautifully patterned butterfly is a must-see.
It is a brownish red with bright orange on the hind wings and pinkish brown on the underside of the wings. Common near dry areas and oak woodlands, the males will often wait for females in valley bottoms. The Zela Metalmark would be a great addition to any Arizona butterfly garden.

Zela Metalmark
Copyright: Regina Cutter Edwards
Zela Metalmark Host and Nectar Plants
Host Plants for the Zela Metalmark: (What is this?)
We are working on adding plants for this butterfly. See how you can help.
Nectar Plants for the Zela Metalmark: (What is this?)
We are working on adding plants for this butterfly. See how you can help.
Zela Metalmark Facts And Information
Butterfly Family: Metalmarks (Riodinidae)
Butterfly Subfamily: Riodininae (True Metalmarks)
Butterfly Wingspan: 1 in. to 1 1/4 in.
Butterfly Habitat: Foothills, canyons, streams, wooded areas
Zela Metalmark Flight Range Map
Note: Map represents approximate butterfly flight range.