(Submitted by Michele)
My 28 year old son was killed this past winter on the job as a first responder. He gave his life saving someone else’s. We know he is in heaven, and I can’t help but wonder if it is spirit that surrounds us daily in the form of the Tiger Swallowtail butterfly. From his sister in MI, a former girlfriend in WY, to myself, his Mom in TN, we are constantly being followed by this yellow and black beauty.
The irony in this, if you can call it irony, is that the armbands we made for his funeral and the awareness bracelets we wear representing Move Over Law Awareness are black bands with a yellow stripe down the middle. I can talk about my son at work, and one flies past the window!
I got a text from one of his close friends who had one fly in front of and hover over his windshield on the interstate at 75 mph! Go to the beach (my son hated the sun and heat), and the butterfly shows up within 30 minutes!
I know it’s the same one too! How you ask? No way, you say! I KNOW it is. You see, my son was hit in his left femur and it was broken. My butterfly has a broken left tail. This same butterfly is everywhere I go. Fly free my son…
Next up…