Viceroy Butterfly (Limenitis archippus)

This orange and black beauty is very similar to the Monarch butterfly but the black lines across the hind wings are a sure way to tell the difference. In Florida, where Queen butterflies are more prevalent, Viceroys are even a darker shade of orange, almost brown. Although it is known that the Monarchs and Queens are distasteful to predators, it is now thought that the Viceroy may be distasteful as well.
Some scientists question which butterflies mimic which butterflies, it may be a question that may never be answered but how exciting it is to watch these miracles in your gardens.
See photos below to help you identify the Viceroy Butterfly.
Viceroy Photos, Facts, And Information

Viceroy Host and Nectar Plants
Viceroy Facts And Information
Viceroy Flight Range Map